Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saying Goodbye to good friends

We have some friends that got orders and are PCS'ing to Colorado. They were our neighbors when we lived on Eielson. They have 2 boys and a girl. The girls love to play with them and the other day I called Jill and asked if we could get the kids together to play a couple of times before they left. She readily agreed and they came to our house to play. It was nice to have some adult conversation and let the kids run out their energy. We have wild strawberries in our backyard and the kids were picking them and sharing with each other. It was pretty cute. Here are some pictures. We sure are going to miss them all.

Kids picking strawberries in the yard.

Thomas and Liberty eating strawberries.

Thomas, Liberty, Ethan, and Lily

Liberty and Abbygail.
Abbygail loves Liberty. She laughs at everything she does.

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